Why Some Voiceover Artists Never Make It

In a seemingly endless sea of opportunities, some voiceover artists will never make it in the industry. While sometimes it can be bad luck, many of the times, it is because of the voiceover artist. Read these reasons to find out if you may be sabotaging your chances of becoming one of the many successful voiceover artists in the United States.


Many voiceover artists are not prepared for the expenses that go into running a business. To be successful, you need high-quality equipment. You also need a location for recording.

Coaching and classes can take you to the next level. These can be expensive. Not being able to or willing to spend the money on your business could end up hurting your chances of success.


In addition to expenses, many voiceover artists fail because they simply do not have the personality for the part they are seeking. Having the right voice does not guarantee you will get the part. Others are not comfortable—and it shows! If you want to be successful, you cannot be afraid to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. Relax.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Many voiceover artists do not make it because they never practice. Voiceover artists need to be quick on their feet and believable at the same time. Inject emotion into those lines and make the audience believe in your character! This is why it is important to practice. If you do not practice, then you are guaranteed to never make it in the entertainment industry.

Hire a personal coach or take acting classes at your local theater. Practice by reading scripts, books, and anything you can get your hands on. Practice every day. Listen to other voiceover demos by other actors. Get others to provide feedback. Artists who cannot take constructive criticism and are unwilling to adapt will fail.

Quality Delivery

Here’s another thing to consider: even if you practice—you can still be unsuccessful if the quality of your delivery isn’t natural. Many voiceover artists are unsuccessful because they never improve on their delivery. This is where receiving and applying critical feedback come into play. You need to interpret the text and deliver it in a manner that makes the audience or listener want to listen to it again.

Once you have done that, you are ready to record your demo. If an artist presents a poorly recorded demo, then most likely they will not land the part. Many individuals lose auditions because their demo does not have that professional touch.


Another problem many artists run into is that they are not making the correct marketing decisions. They do not attend networking functions. They do not participate on social media platforms such as on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They do not jump in, ask questions, and become part of the conversation. They are not putting themselves out there to be seen and known among others in the industry. You have to be an active participant.

Another issue is that some are afraid to place cold calls to businesses or ask for testimonials and references. Most importantly of all, many people fail to write a business plan. They get lost focusing on developing their voice and forget that it is still a business. As fun as this business is once you start landing auditions, it is still a business that requires marketing. Marketing is essential in determining its success.

Consider these reasons voiceover artists do not succeed. If you fit into any of them, do not give up your business. Instead, do what you need to do to improve that part of your business so that you can succeed.